Friday, January 30, 2009

friday's fanastic find-

If only the world would break out in contagious,utterly blissful dancing- this is made to share!


  1. My daughter and I love this video! Thanks for sharing it. And I am enjoying getting to know you through your blog. Very inspiring! Glad we can share the excitement about Obama! Thanks for visiting me too!

  2. Tara- I secretly fantasize about creating these blissful dancing outbursts in reaction to the gloomy economic outlook we are being made to focus on the days. love hearing your input. merci

  3. caroline,
    yes, is this not an incredible way to turn a rainy,or not, day into a lifetime- worthy memory. connections!!thanks for your words they truly make my sharing worthwhile.
    merci du Midi

  4. That's Liverpool Street Station. I love this video. Saw it the other night and fell in love with it immediately.

    Greetings from London.
