Wednesday, January 21, 2009

TREATMENT- LIFELINE: an infusion of HOPE,DREAMS,PROMISES and yes,I detected alot of LOVE!!

What struck me throughout the day yesterday? as well as today- is the feeling of a global connectedness , a feeling like when  the grinch's heart, grew and grew and grew....revealing possibilities long forgotten.
I could not help thinking of a favorite Eleanor Roosevelt quote which I often shared with my teen patients --"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." and 
"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness" 

We have all been witnesses of these truths, what a gift !! made more special by sharing it. have blissful day!

ps the photo is from The Huffington Post


  1. Brilliant front cover montage - definitely a rather positive global response! xx

  2. I loved you collage (well, the Huff's). a bit riled at finding The Mail and The Torygraph (sorry, Telegraph). As a Guardian/Observer reader I hope you'll understand ;-). The Indy saved the day for me in the end.

    It was a day of hope. The hard work starts now.

    Greetings from London.

  3. It is such an optimistic time here in America!
    Thank you so very much for your visit the other day! I am looking forward to reading about your life in France and getting to know you better. For some reason I cannot view all of the dance pictures but I've enjoyed the ones I can see. I will return!

  4. Very nice blog...très chique..I ill come back wakingdream.

  5. thank you Top Bird and A Cuban in London for you comments- yes, while it is Huffington's Post it certainly gives a global response!!

  6. A Thousand Clapping Hands- thank you for your touching comment and actually your blog title sums this global sense of hope - with many hands clapping and hearts hoping.

  7. Khaled Kem
    thank you for stopping by and offering a comment - I so enjoyed your poetic blog- refreshing!!

  8. What a magical day and the dawn of a new era of possibility! Hip hip HOORAY!

  9. Lovely post! I still got the goosebumps :) And thanks for the copy of the photo. Fantastic!
