Saturday, February 28, 2009

Healing Health Benefits of Community

Healing Health Benefits of Community- A Shared Blessing Amplifies our Gifts and A Shared Challenge or Difficulty Lightens our Load and Invites Creative Solutions!!! This seems to be ever true in blog land and for this I am truly grateful!!! Merci , read on for the surprise and to find out why I have gone all warm and fuzzy on you in this post!

I am floored actually, upon catching up with my messages  today, I received a delightful surprise from the sweet and talented, Catherine over at , A Thousand Clapping Hands!!!I am so touched and honored.

The surprise was 

Apparently, as Catherine describes  this award-"This award was started by the blogging team at Jane Austen Today" -

 "The aim of the Award is to acknowledge writing excellence in the spirit of Jane Austen's genius in amusing and delighting readers with her irony, humor, wit, and talent for keen observation. Recipients will uphold the highest standards in the art of the sparkling banter, witty repartee, and gentle reprove."

As such I have also learned that-
Recipients are to please claim your award. You may post the badge, list the name of the person who nominated you and link to their blog. Then you may nominate seven other blogs that you feel meet or exceed the standards set forth. But if by chance, you are Award weary - please just enjoy the honor!"

Right, so this is the Healing Aspect of Blogging Communities- at least to me,you see I believe that the concept of passing it on here is real and valid ! I think that , unlike mainstream Internet sites which focus on news, often very negative in its presentation and analysis, that perhaps blogging serves a higher purpose if, you will. It stretches us by allowing us to focus on ideas!! Rather than allowing us to get stuck in just the ever pressing minutia of everyday life- perhaps,it urges us to evaluate events and interactions with people on a more productive,positive level. 

 It connects , it listens, it offers genuine feedback, it broadens one's perspective, it instructs, it delights, it enchants, it fosters creativity, it honors an individuals personal story through her or his own unique lens. 

 I find this phenomenon fascinating and comforting . I am truly honored to be able to contribute in my own small way and to have the privilege of sharing in the worlds of my favorite bloggers. Speaking of whom -now it is my turn to thoughtfully select the next set of nominees---

I would like to nominate the following blogs:
I hope you are all as tickled as I was to receive this tasteful award,it sure made my day!! Thanks again Catherine at AThousand Clapping Hands

Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. 
photos credit Internet french


  1. Oh, much-deserved congrats to you! Love your new banner! And thank you for the kind recognition. Much appreciated! Glad to see you back. xo

  2. Your blog is stunning and I am not surprised at all. Congrats!

    Thank you so very much for passing this to me. I am honored to be acknowledged by your especially lovely blog!

    Now to visit the links you have attached.

  3. I tried the links and can't get them to work.

  4. You thoroughly deserved that prize. Your blog is witty and very well-written.

    Many thanks for the accolade, too. I will hang it this week.

    Wow, and there was I thinking that the awards season was over :-)!

    Greetings from London.

  5. My profuse thanks! I haven't seen this award before, and it is an exceptionally lovely one -- particularly as Jane Austen is a writer who I admire (and reread on a regular basis).

    I've just been skimming some of the gorgeous posts/pictures you've had up these last few weeks . . . I apologize for being off-blog for awhile. I can't wait to catch up with you tomorrow!

  6. Congatulations on your award! Well-deserved, I might add. :-)

    And thank you so much for passing it on. How lovely! I accept with humility and appreciation.

    I love your header, by the way!

  7. Congratulations and Thanks! We are tickled pink to have been given this lovely award and will pass it on with honor.

    I'm also adding your blog to our blogroll, can't imagine why it's taken this long. ; )

  8. yes, indeed the links were not working last pm- I fixed them and hope they work now- also any advice about this following stuff-I lost all the blogs in my list,within the google dashboard, I was following it seem- I will be re-entering them- cause they bring me joy!

  9. Dancing Doc,
    I am in a waking dream visiting here. A beautiful place!
    Also, speechless that you would pass the award on to me.
    I accept with much pleasure and sooo glad I found you!!!!
    Anxious to visit the other blogs too! Have a beautiful week!

  10. I fell upon your blog by chance, tripping over it en route to something else and am so deighted! Gosh!

    I can only add my congratualtions to the many others for your well deserved accolade.

  11. Your commentary on how you believe that blogging allows us to focus on ideas and our personal stories is so true. May you continue with your success. Congrats on the award.

  12. Thank you all for stopping by these last few days with support- and as such I have met some new exciting bloggers -Un Peu Loufoque and Liza!
    merci encore!
    I believe all the links are now working, though I gather I have not solved the follower gadget glitch yet- I welcome any techie advise!

  13. Congrats on your well deserved award!

    Fun catching up on your posts.....
