Saturday, May 17, 2008

fresh air and good food and blog viewing ,this weeks prescription for myself!!

wowie- I can not believe it is the weekend again and I have been enjoying too many great blogs this week, working on my funny garden and eating lots of cherries, which are ripe now in the region! I have been on passementerie a traveler and francophile,style diary, fun blog! -she and I were certainly on the same ecologic track when we found these shopping trolleys which my kids too ,refer to as my grandma trolley!
trolleys from MacDans for going to the marché
and below the one passementrie featured-

these days in a french life
another expat american living in france who is a down to earth food writer and mother and travel enthusiat with authentic convictions to simple living- in practical ways! also adorable photos of her beautiful little girl!

I believe that sharing is the essence of blogging for me and honoring other like-minded,creative, earth loving bloggers with good taste! I have more shopping bags to share that put a smile on your face at check out-but, that will be tommorrow! as well as more inspiring blogs I have discovered!
have a super weekend,may the sun shine where ever you are and remember to stop by and say hello again soon!


  1. Bonjour, Dancing Doc: Take two blogs and call me in the a.m., huh?

    Like you, I love Passementerie. It is really a beautiful blog. And, I love how you get two cities for the price of one with her lovely blog--both Paris and Morocco.

    I have not before found These Days in French Life. Thanks for sharing your shopping and blogging finds. Now, how about sharing some of those cherries?;-)

  2. Oh, those cherries sound wonderful right now! And I really like these trolleys. It is such a romantic notion for me, shopping trolleys... given that shopping here in the States is so different and impersonal.

    Sharing truly is the essence of blogging and I am so very grateful for all that you share here. Coming to your blog and receiving your comments always makes me feel so alive and happy. Merci beaucoup!
